Reviews explained…

Reviews explained…

FAQ, Site News
Grading Before we get too far entwined in the reviews, it's probably best I set the mood. Basically, I'm old-school, some would say just old, but you get the picture. I grew up with Mean Machines, Sega Pro and Games Master. Reading their monthly reviews was all we had to base our decision of where to blow our pocket money, the internet was a far flung dream much like flying cars and teleportation. True, the world has come a long way since then, but a tiny part of that nostalgia still flows through my veins today; and at 4am on a Tuesday morning I gave birth to these five monsters.... Terrible No really, these games are the bottom of the pile. Only recommended for true collectors attaining a full set, otherwise best avoided. Poor Not the worst I've ever played, but a fair way from mak...
The defining age of gaming?

The defining age of gaming?

FAQ, Modern, Retro, Site News
Upon creating this site I encountered a quandary, something that has puzzled me for a while now; where to draw the line between retro and modern when it comes to gaming. It seems obvious that this generation and the last should be considered modern but then the lines faze slightly when we harp back to the age of the PS2, GameCube and Original Xbox. I've asked friends for their opinions but it seems no-one can agree. So what exactly defines a console as being retro? Opinions I've found include: Any console that hasn't had an official title release for a decade. This would mean 2023 for the PS2, 2018 for the Xbox,  2017 for the GameCube. The Dreamcast being open for debate having been discontinued by Sega in 2001, yet many games releasing far later. Consoles with wired controllers.