Welcome to our reviews page.
Here you will find reviews for games both past and present, ranging from the hidden gems of yesteryear to the over-hyped garbage we as gamers are expected to peddle through without so much as a whimper.
We have no allegiance or agenda and at no time have we ever worked for any hardware, software or associated companies. All reviews are nothing but our own personal opinions, please do not be offended if these differ from your own. Equally do not take anything we suggest as advice, games are subjective and what we enjoy (or endure) will most likely differ from your own taste. If you purchase a game on the sole basis of one of our reviews you are a fool and we offer no sympathy for your stupidity.
Although our game selection may be somewhat sporadic, hopefully most will find something here to induce hours of carpel-tunnel joy, or simply recall memories of old as we look back with starry-eyed nostalgia to the lost gems of previous generations. So sit back and enjoy the bumpy ride, as we delve deep into the archives of gaming.